Ongoing Research

Entourage Program

Entourage Program

As the world population rapidly increase in age, the number of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is also increasing and is expected to triple by 2050[1], making dementia a global challenge requiring worldwide attention. As those affected...

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Completed Research


2022 - 2026
Alzheimer Society of Canada
2022 - 2026

An intergenerational volunteer program for persons living with dementia and their care partners

Funded by Alzheimer Society of Canada

PI: Annie Robitaille

2019 - 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
2019 - 2022

Social inclusion of people living with dementia in long-term care homes and their caregivers

Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

PI: Annie Robitaille

2014 - 2017
Health Canada
2014 - 2017

REVIVRE!: Recherche sur le Vieillissement et l’Intégration du Vécu en Résidence : Inciter les jeunes universitaires à travailler avec les aînées en Centre de soins de longue durée (CSLD) en français: la mise en place d’un programme formel de bénévolat

Funded by Health Canada

PI: Linda Garcia

Peer-reviewed Publications

Coming Soon!


EntourAGE – Interweaving Generational Relationships: A look at a person-centered intergenerational companionship program for older adults living with dementia. Webinar Series. Perley Health Centre of Excellence in Frailty Informed Care, Ottawa, Ontario

Robitaille, A. (2023)


Le projet REVIVRE! York University, Glendon College, CNFS webinar series, Toronto, Ontario.

Robitaille, A. (2020)


Evaluation of an intergenerational volunteer program for persons living with dementia and their care partners. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Poster Presentation)

Robitaille, A. Garcia, L., Qureshi, M., Adams, M., and Ducharme, F. (July 2023)


An intergenerational volunteer program for persons living with dementia and their caregivers. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, London, UK. (Poster Presentation)

Robitaille, A., Garcia, L., Adams, M., Ducharme, F., Busa, G. (June 2022)


Exploring the Impact of an Intergenerational Volunteer Program with People Living with Dementia on University Undergraduate Students, Canadian Association of Gerontology, Regina, Saskatchewan. (Poster Presentation)

Adams, M., Robitaille, A., Garcia, L. (October 2022)


REVIVRE! Achieving Person-Centred Long-Term Care through Volunteering. Humanizing Healthcare International Conference. Enhancing Lives. Transforming Care, Ottawa, Ontario. (Oral Presentation)

Robitaille, A. (October 2017)